Chili Seeds Can Cause Appendicitis? This is the Fact

Chili seeds are often referred to as the cause of appendicitis. This is because there is an assumption that chili seeds can accumulate in the appendix and cause infection or inflammation in that organ. Is it true that chili seeds can cause appendicitis?

The appendix is an organ that is connected to the large intestine and is located in the lower right abdominal cavity. This organ is shaped like a small and thin sac with a size of about 5–10 cm.

Despite its small size, this organ functions to help keep the large intestine and digestive tract healthy and free from germs that cause infection.

Just like other organs of the body, the appendix can also be problematic. Appendicitis can occur when this organ becomes blocked and infected.

One thing that is widely believed to be the cause of appendicitis is excessive consumption of chili seeds. As a result, many people separate the seeds from the chilies before eating them. In fact, this has not been proven medically true.

Facts about Chili Seeds Can Cause Appendicitis

Information that says that chili seeds can cause appendicitis is just a myth, yes. Until now, there is no research or data that can prove the truth.

Eating too much spicy food can irritate the digestive tract, such as the stomach and intestines. This irritated digestive tract can cause a variety of digestive disorders, ranging from stomach pain, diarrhea, to recurrence of acid reflux disease ( GERD ).

However, chili seeds have not been proven to accumulate in the appendix and trigger inflammation or disease in the organ. Please note that appendicitis is not caused by a buildup of chili seeds or the seeds of other fruits and vegetables, such as guava , tomatoes, or peppers .

Appendicitis is generally caused by a blockage in the appendix. This blockage can occur due to hardened stools, parasitic or worm infections, abdominal injuries, thickening of the appendix wall tissue, to tumors.

When the appendix is ​​blocked, bacteria can grow and multiply and make the appendix inflamed, swollen, and pus.

If left untreated, a problematic appendix can rupture and spread bacteria into the abdominal cavity, causing a condition called peritonitis . This condition can be dangerous and potentially life-threatening if not treated by a doctor.

Well, after reading the explanation above, you don't need to believe that chili seeds can cause appendicitis.

To maintain a healthy appendix and your digestive system, regularly eat high-fiber foods , such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and whole grains. Also make sure to drink enough water and exercise regularly to improve your digestion.

If you experience symptoms of appendicitis, such as pain in the lower right abdomen, especially when moving, coughing, or sneezing, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, fever, and flatulence, you should immediately see a doctor for examination and treatment.

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