11 Ways to Overcome Excessive Leucorrhoea

“An abnormal vaginal discharge that continues to occur can indicate a reproductive disease that should not be taken lightly. Examples are bacterial vaginosis, chlamydia, or gonorrhea. Therefore, an examination by a doctor is recommended to find out the cause of excessive vaginal discharge and how to overcome it.”

Not a few women are uncomfortable and even nervous when they have to deal with vaginal discharge. Especially if there is excessive vaginal discharge that must be faced. The women are generally no stranger to this vaginal complaint. Vaginal discharge occurs when mucus or discharge comes out of the vagina.

Actually, vaginal discharge is the body's natural way to keep this organ clean and moisturized. When a woman experiences vaginal discharge, the fluid produced by the vaginal and cervical glands will come out carrying dead cells and bacteria. This process protects the vagina from infection. Then, how to deal with excessive vaginal discharge?

At least there are some efforts that you can try to overcome excessive vaginal discharge. Well, here are the ways you can do it:

  1. Keep the genital area dry and clean.
  2. Avoid using feminine hygiene products that cause acidity and balance of vaginal bacteria. Ask your doctor for the right product.
  3. Avoid using hygienic sprays, fragrances, or powders in the genital area.
  4. Consume yogurt or supplements containing Lactobacillus.
  5. Wear cotton pants and avoid underwear that is too tight.
  6. After urinating, clean the vagina from front to back, so that bacteria do not enter the vagina.
  7. Cold compresses to relieve itching and swelling.
  8. Take a warm bath to help relieve symptoms. Then, dry thoroughly afterward.
  9. It is recommended not to use panty liners. If you still want to use a panty liner, choose one that is unscented and not used for more than 4–6 hours.
  10. Avoid sexual intercourse beforehand.
  11. If abnormal vaginal discharge lasts more than a week, especially if accompanied by sores, itching, swelling, see a doctor immediately.

Here, doctors will usually carry out medical treatment according to the thing that caused it. The doctor will give medicines to treat excessive or abnormal vaginal discharge. For example, antibiotics to eliminate the bacteria that cause vaginal discharge.

Can also antifungal drugs if vaginal discharge is caused by a fungal infection. This drug can be in the form of a cream or gel that is applied to the inside of the vagina. In addition, there are also other medicines if vaginal discharge is caused by parasites.

Recognize the Characteristics, Abnormal or Not?

Actually the way to distinguish normal vaginal discharge and not difficult. You can observe the characteristics of the discharge that comes out. Well, here are the characteristics:

Normal vaginal discharge

  1. No strong odor, fishy, ​​rancid, or rotten.
  2. The color is clear or clear milky white.
  3. The texture is slippery and sticky, can be runny, or thick.
  4. It appears quite abundantly with a slippery, wet texture, usually a few days between menstrual cycles or during ovulation.

Abnormal vaginal discharge

  1. The liquid is thick and smells bad.
  2. There is a burning feeling in the vagina.
  3. There is itching around the vagina.
  4. Excessive discharge, such as menstruation.
  5. It is yellow in color, or it can be green, brown, and accompanied by blood.
  6. Excessive discharge such as menstruation.

Beware, Mark Reproductive Diseases

Normal vaginal discharge experienced by women is fairly normal. This condition can be triggered by conditions such as breastfeeding, sexual stimulation, or stress. What about abnormal vaginal discharge that continues to occur? Abnormal excessive vaginal discharge can be a symptom of a reproductive disease.

According to the UK's National Health Service, abnormal vaginal discharge can signal certain diseases, for example:

  1. Bacterial vaginosis.
  2. Trichomoniasis (a sexually transmitted disease caused by a parasite).
  3. Chlamydia (a sexually transmitted disease caused by a bacterial infection).
  4. Gonorrhea or gonorrhea.
  5. genital herpes.

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